Mastering the Art of Media Messaging Paperback

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A step-by-step guide on how to get you, your product and/or company booked on local, regional and national media for FREE! Also included is an insider's secrets on how to maintain control during media interviews and Press Conferences.As an added bonus, this edition also includes "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS of COMMUNICATION" guaranteed to help you overcome the fear of speaking in public!


[Following is an official review of "Mastering the Art of Media Messaging" by Michael S Emerson.]
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4 out of 5 stars
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Mastering the Art of Media Messaging by Michael S. Emerson is an educative, informative, and expository book on how to penetrate and make good use of the media effectively. Are you an individual seeking to promote a product or service, or are you in constant fear of public speaking or media presentations? Is your organization seeking to market and promote its product and services through the media? Or do you seek to gain knowledge of media messaging? Then, Mastering the Art of Media Messaging is the perfect tool. It exposes the "Ten Commandments of Communication" and guarantees to help you overcome the fear of speaking in public.

The author uses his book to educate readers on the power the media has over people, organizations, businesses, and every aspect of human life. To achieve this, he uses the loss of tens of millions of dollars of stock values overnight by the CEO of one of America's top Fortune 500 companies and the free fall of shares by a top airline company from thirteen dollars a share to below three dollars a share within four hours. This is due to information given by the media. However, the author further shows readers how to use the media to prevent such situations.

Mastering the Art of Media Messaging is a highly packed educational, informative, and expository book on media management. The author tailors the book in an easy, simple, and straightforward way for readers to understand. The author makes the book concise by removing unnecessary repetitions and simplifying the information. This makes reading and assimilation easy, as readers don't have to go through several pages of reading before understanding the information in the book.

The book's cover page design is commendable, as the color combination, font size, and formatting of characters make it pleasing and able to attract attention. Readers can understand what the book entails with a glance at the book's cover page.

There were errors in the book, which the editors can note and make appropriate corrections. Apart from the errors, there was nothing I disliked about the book. However, due to the number of errors, I'd rate it 4 out of 5 stars. I'd recommend Mastering the Art of Media Messaging to individuals, organizations, and businesses seeking to utilize the media to market and penetrate the public.


Reviewed in the United States on June 17, 2012
The only hesitation I have in writing this review, is that I may be helping my competition if they read this book.
After reading Michael's book, I applied his straight-forward techniques and to my surprised it worked exactly as Michael said it would! Michael's book is easy to read, easy to understand, and most importantly, easy to implement. If you own a small business, are a business executive, or have a need for public media attention, then this is the resource you've been looking for.

After you read this book, you will understand exactly how to make the media work FOR you. You will receive step-by-step instructions on how to get your message on TV and radio. I also guarantee that you will never watch television again in the same way. You will see the Michael's principles such as: "image equals perception, and perception is reality", and "Hope and Fear" are what sells to the media, and so much more. I've read a ton of business and marketing books, and this one is now on top of the heap! Read it BEORE your competitors, and leave them scratching their heads wondering how in the world you got all that publicity.
Reviewed in the United States on July 30, 2016
Excellent book!
Reviewed in the United States on May 24, 2012
The best thing about the book is how it helped me with a difficult task at work. I had to introduce someone I didn't know well- I drew the short straw (no one else wanted to introduce the person). it was in front of a large crowd- I started my intro with the title of this review- the quote I got from Mr Emerson's book. I was able to compose my introduction and deliver it as if it was "off the cuff" because of the tools and tips I learned as a result of reading Mastering the Art of Media Messaging. I also listened to the book on my IPod while exercising- Mr Emerson reads the book himself- to hear him tell his own stories is a real treat! Shortly after I read the book, I was able to meet him in person- I introduced him to my husband and now they are partners in a new media venture. Mastering the Art is useful for anyone in any line of work where you have to meet and serve the public- I do mean ANY line of work- from order taker at the coffee bar to CEO of a big company. Highly recommended reading.
Reviewed in the United States on April 19, 2012
Michael Emerson has written a focused, well-thought out manual for media. This is not simply an explanation about how media works - but rather about how the individual can work the media.

Media is the overriding element in today's world. Media overwhelms economics, politics, etc., and drives our perception of current events, art and more. The principles of media can be elusive, but Emerson explains how media works and how you can become more knowledgeable about media's method and madness.

You will no longer let media work you over, but you will begin to work the media - for your own benefit or that of your company or cause.

Essential if you have in any way involved in Media in today's world. And who isn't?
Reviewed in the United States on April 25, 2012
We received FREE media exposure by using 3 of Mr. Emerson's 6 needed elements; namely: 1) Impacting the public at large 2) Improving the public's quality of life, and 3) The threat of the public's health or safety. Thanks Michael. You're the consummate pro! A Loving Approach to Dementia Care: Making Meaningful Connections with the Person Who Has Alzheimer's Disease or Other Dementia or Memory Loss